As far as resolutions go. . . Well, let's just say that as an obsessive list-maker, my process of creating and documenting reslutions is pretty out of control. So for the sake of this blog, which is dedicated to knitting content, I will spare you, and stay on topic. ;)
It's a simple resolution for me, knitting-wise, for 2006. . . Finish the outstanding unfinished objects! This includes:
- Jim's Scarf (done except for needing the ends woven in)
- Kristin's Shawl (it's
almost done!)
- Halloween's Kitty Bed - "Snowball Cat Bed" from
Stitch 'n Bitch (just needs the side sewn to the bottom)
- Little Blue Purse - "Soft-as-a-Bunny Makeup Case" from
Hollywood Knits (just needs the zipper put in)
- Kitty Ear Hat - "Kittyville Hat" from
Stitch 'n Bitch (the kitty ears are almost done, but it needs earflaps and i-cord)
Other than that, my plan is to not let the knitting drop during the warm months, like I tend to do every year. I really love to knit, but it gets warm and I forget all about it! I'm going to hunt down some cute warm-weather projects so I can have knitting fun all year round. Also, Santa (sweetheart that he is) brought me a calendar with a new knitting pattern for almost every day of the year! With calendars, I generally try not to look ahead because I like the surprise of not knowing, but I cheated on this one, and looked at the entire month of January, and a bunch of random other days. I wanted to get a feel for what kind of projects are in it. I thought there was a nice variety for all kinds of tastes, and there are definitely a few cute ones that I'm going to have to play with! Santa also brought me five skeins of a fun yarn that may very well become a totally cute cloche-type hat like the one pictured on the front of the calendar. Observe the Christmas loot:

And one final thing: Before this year is out, I want to have taken a vacation from garter-stitch-scarf/shawl-land. It's not that I don't want to make more pretty scarves and such, it's just that it seems like that's the marjority of what I do, so I'm going to try to limit myself to only project of the kind this year: my Gryffindor scarf. (But I can almost promise you that won't get done in a year, ha ha ha!) And, since it seems like most of what I make is for other people, I'm going to try and be selfish and make some "me" projects which will
not be given away! Other than that. . . I haven't made any firm decisions on what I
will make! Will 2006 be the year of my first sweater? Will it involve spunky striped knee socks? Will this be the year I conquer cable-making? Only time will tell!