Back from the dead, apparently!
Bad Jenni. Bad, bad Jenni! EIGHT months? *looks ashamed* I swear, I really am going to be better about updating this blog! I'm getting more into knitting, now that I've found a bridge between scarf land and giant project city: Little shrugs and mini sweaters. I want to make them by the dozen. But before I start on that, here's what little bits of knitting I've been doing over the past eight months. . .
Mice. Knitted mice. A lot of them! My Aunt Jenny visited from Japan in November, and thought the knitted mouse I made for my kitty from Stitch 'n Bitch Nation was super cute, and so of course, I made a pair for her two kitties:

Then, I couldn't have Halloween not get one too, so I made her another one. (The gray contrast is actually remnants from my first-ever finished knitted item - the Gray Scarf of Doom that I made for my husband).

The next mouse came in December, when my beloved niece got a kitten! Of course, this one had to be knit much smaller, since her kitty is smaller, and it also had to be done in baby yarn, since her cat is, well, a baby! ;)

And then in January, my friend at work found out her kitty was really sick, and to comfort the poor thing, I made him a mouse too!

My friend shared pictures of her kitty and the mouse. While he doesn't look to amused, I have it on good authority that he drags it around everywhere, and plays with it quite a bit. :) (And, has recovered! Yay!)

So those were the mice!
Oh, and I finally put the seam on the kitty bed for Halloween that I knitted a million and a half years ago (give or take). I can't believe how long that took me! Halloween showed her approval:

I've also been working on the Gryffindor scarf in between projects, but it's very slow-going, not to mention totally boring. Here is where it is at:

To try to liven it up, I made some cute stitch markers:

So then I didn't knit too much for a while because I'm sick of scarves (and mice, ha ha ha!) and afraid to tackle something big like a sweater. Enter the shrug! Ahh,, how I love thee, let me count the ways!
I started with the "Everyone's Doing It" Shrug:

It's so easy and quick, it's ridiculous! And cute! It's like a scarf, but less boring, and I can wear it in the warmer months. Yay that!
Just last night, I started the Anthropologie Knock-Off Sweater. I'm making mine in Wool-Ease Chunky, in white like the original, but with glitter in it, unlike the original, but very "me." ;)

And just for kicks, I unearthed my collection of favorite Anthropologie catalogs (I'm too poor to shop there, so I save my favorites in case I ever feel like sewing a knock-off of anything) and wouldn't you know it, I have the winter '05 issue! Here is the original:

Personally, I think all of the knock-offs I've seen are way cuter. I think it's the yarn they use or something. However, I need a rhinestone-encrusted ginormous hook and eye for mine! OMG! Where can I get one?!?
So. That brings us up to date. Upcoming projects include a possible second Anthropologie Knock-Off in Caron's "Black Magic" yarn (in shades of blue/black), the cropped hoodie from craftser in Caron's Simply Soft (in a pretty rasperry color) (this is my bargain project!), and in a blend of my knitting and historic costuming obsessions, I'll be making a knitted reticule like this one either in Baby Ull or Royale crochet thread - tbd. I had plans to do the Stitch 'n Bitch "Pippi Kneestockings" in shades of black/gray/pink, but I don't like the colors together now that I've received them, so I'm not sure if I'll go for it or not. And on a whim, I bought this silly yarn at JoAnn's because it was funky and on sale. Not sure what to do with it. An iPod cozy? Another shrug? Who knows!
I definitely have enough to keep me busy. Let's hope I a.) stay busy, and b.) actually keep up with posting about it!
Whee projects! Those mice are too terribly cute! And darn you for the link to Craftster, as I hadn't seen the boards before.. Sooo many projects! :O I'm assuming you've heard of Knitty, but have you seen MagKnits? And I thought my sewing wish list grw fast..!
Thank you for sharing pictures! Your projects look lovely!
I'm also addicted to craftster. Between that and lj I'm very good at wasting time on the internet.
--Gloria (quincy134 from lj)
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