Well so far so good with the resolutions, which is to say that I have already accomplished something from the list. Go me! Last night, I brought out all those unfinished projects, and decided Halloween's bed should be first. I located the pieces and yarn to seam it, put it down. . . And Halloween immediately ran over and jumped on it, as if to say "hey, don't touch my bed!" ;P So I decided to choose another project.
I present to you the finished "Soft-as-a-Bunny Makeup Case" (or purse):

I do think I need a zipper pull of some sort. I also think it's a complete pain in the you-know-what because this novelty yarn which looks so fuzzy and cute keeps getting jammed in the zipper so I can't get it open - or shut, for that matter! I can see this is not going to get a lot of use. . . But it's cute and fuzzy, gosh darn it!
So now I've started working on a baby bootie. Why? I don't know, since I don't have a baby, ha ha ha! But, here it is:

I'm kind of stuck right now, but I figure there's no point in asking a question here since I don't think anyone reads this blog, ha ha ha! So, off to my LJ blog I go to get some knitting help. . .
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