Back from the missing. . .
Oh my. FIVE MONTHS since my last post?!? *looks guilty* It's not that surprising though, really, since I tend to take a little knitting vacation in the summer. . . I guess I'm just not hardcore enough to want to knit in 90 degree + weather! The good news is, I wasn't totally away from the knitting, and now that I can feel fall creeping up - it's all that "back to school" stuff at Target, you know - and so I'm thinking knitting thoughts again! So, I give you progress on a Gryffindor scarf, which is sort of a mix of the infamous atypically pattern and my own pattern, based on studying images of the movie scarves. . .

The next two projects after this scarf I think will be another set of wrist warmers (this time using's pattern), and my very first sweater. Since I like to fling myself into the deep end when it comes to things like this, I picked a complicated-looking sweater - but I couldn't help myself because it's so cute, and so very me! It's a modernized 1940s cardigan pattern from the Rowan book "Vintage Knits." Should me mental and fun in equal parts, I think! ;)
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