Project notes. . .
Right, so. . . I used to keep track of my knitting projects on my web site, but I gave that up quite some time ago. I have another blog which covers my sewing and randomness, but I wanted one strictly for knitting, so. . . Here it is!
While I don't update it any more, here is the old page from my web site, on which you can see some old projects of mine.
More recently, I knitted a mouse for my cat, using a pattern from Stitch 'n Bitch Nation:
I have two projects that I'm currently working on. One is a plain garter stitch scarf in an acrylic yarn imitating mohair, and the other is a shawl out of Lion Brand's "Moonlight Mohair," both of which I'm just making up as I go along. Pictures to come soon. .
I tend to do a lot of knitting for others, so the next project I have planned is just for me: A "Gryffindor" scarf, using 100% wool and knitting on the round, so it will be double layer and super warm. Yay, that!
After that, I think it's time to take on something challenging. I'm stuck on scarfs and little bits and pieces of things. I need a sweater with intarsia, or something! ;)